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The action takes place in a persistent world that supports thousands of players at once, and you can choose to focus on solo play or, if you wish, interact with others. Free-to-play MMO game that you can enjoy with your friends Conversations are non-linear, as their outcome will vary based on your answers. However, the game also allows you to create a personalized hero whose attributes can be upgraded, and there will a lot of gear for you to choose from.

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You can explore a sizable world map, collect resources, construct buildings and recruit units, but also complete quests, solve puzzles and engage in some more unusual side-activities. While, at its core, Totem Tribe II: Jotun is a MMO strategy game, it includes numerous elements from other genres, making the gameplay feel fresh even though the mechanics are not exactly groundbreaking.

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Fun mix of genres that yields impressive results It looks very promising, but, as expected, it offers limited content at present. The game is currently in the early Alpha stage, and public access has recently been opened, mainly for testing purposes.

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Totem Tribe II: Jotun is an interesting 4X MMO strategy game whose goal is to provide players with an enjoyable, diverse experience by drawing inspiration from a wide range of genres, such as RTS, role-playing, adventure, puzzle and hidden object.

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